This book, ‘Cosmetics & Domestic Chemical Products’ presents step-by-step guide to the production of chemical products. These products are classified as household, body care and hair care products with each class or section containing more than ten (10) different products. The raw materials, formulation and production steps and processes are presented in the simplest form possible. Marketing strategies for the sales of products are also shared. The sources of raw materials as well as safety precautions during production are presented. Technical terms, although negligibly applied in this publication but where applied are clearly explained to the level of understanding of the reader irrespective of their educational background. It should be noted that, this book is not an academic publication but simply, a guide, an instructional aide to production. Although the products described in this publication have been described with the intention of producing in small and medium scale, the formulation could be applied for large scale production simply by scaling up the formulation ratios where applicable. This publication, a result of thorough research and practical experience of the author over the years have been written to help new producers as well as experienced producers improve on their products in order to increase their sales and competitive advantage in the market. The author, an experienced chemical/process engineer, quality management professional, corporate trainer and business strategist with vast experience in the consumer goods, packaging manufacturing industry has systematically presented the gems in this publication to the level of understanding of the reader irrespective of their educational background and qualification. After payment, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download the eBook.

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